Run in background

What is Run in background ?

"Run in background" is a feature that that automatically runs the queries in background at scheduled intervals. Users can enable this feature from "User Settings" and set an interval in number of hours. At the given interval, the queries that are marked as "Refresh automatically" will be executed and results get refreshed in the Google Sheet.

Thus users can execute query both offline and in online with "Jivrus Integra for QuickBooks"

Note: To run the queries in the background, users do not need to keep the Google Sheets or Browsers or logged in or present. The execution happens automatically in the Google server at the set interval.

Where "Run In Background" option found ?

  • Open the add-on
  • Authorise if not already done
  • Click on the "user settings" (gear) icon
  • You can see two sections "Profile" and "Run In Background"

Run In Background Settings


  1. You can make "Run Automatically" checkbox checked or unchecked depending on on whether you want to enable this feature or not.
  2. Run every ___ hours options can be set to the interval you want the query to be running.


  • In "Run every hours" field, you can set the interval in hours
  • After setting up the value, click either TICK button or CANCEL button.
  • The minimum range is 1 hour and maximum range is 24 hours
  • If the user click on the Tick button , the schedule will be set for the execution
  • And, the execution starts to run automatically for every given hours.
  • If the user click on the close button, the schedule will not be set.

Once you have enabled the "Run In Background", you can make the queries to run automatically by marking the query as "refresh automatically"

Only the queries marked as "refresh automatically" will be executed by the scheduled background process.

Note that when the query gets executed in the background, the results will replace the existing results in configured tab of Google Sheet.

In summary, to run a query in the background, you should have

  • enabled "Run In Background" settings and
  • marked the query as "refresh automatically"

Have you configured "Run in background"?

Now, sit back and relax.

Your queries will be automatically executed and Google Sheet be refreshed with latest data :-)